Work With Us
Unseen Heroes did an amazing job at covering the event, as well as the friends that they brought out, and just the general “Unseen Network”. It made a ton of noise internally, and people were very excited, and really, for the first time that I know of, we actually promoted something on a local level on our national social channels.
— Ben Brown
Area Marketing Manager, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
“Unseen Heroes put [our event] out there and the exact demographic that we were targeting just latched on to it. It was something that [our organization] was meeting about and struggling with for months and months as an institution, and we met with Unseen Heroes and it just happened like 'that'. It was definitely a unique thing for us.”
— Rika Nelson
Manager of Public Programs at the Crocker Art Museum
“When we met with Unseen Heroes the thing that we really wanted to try and accomplish was to get our product in front of the right people, when it had been a challenge to even find these people. But what Unseen Heroes did was put together a launch party together for us. They did digital media; they got their street team together and really helped us create an event that brought people of Sacramento and a local convention that was taking place in Sacramento at the time and got them to come out to the event to see our phone and see how it operates and even sell them on site.”
— Cole Allen
Senior Marketing Coordinator at MetroPCS
“When we came and talk to Unseen Heroes they said ‘here’s some ideas for things we can do' and our event was just one of them. They have a whole wealth of knowledge of things going on in the community and ways to market them in an effective way and bring them to the forefront of people’s mind. And when it came to this was really great to have someone in the community like Unseen Heroes..and be able to be our one stop shop to show how to make this event a success.”
— Alex Lane
Community Manager at Yelp